# # this config file was automatically generated # using lirc-0.7.0pre1(serial) on Thu Nov 14 18:05:52 2002 # # contributed by Stefan Hussfeldt # modified by Klaus Huber # # brand: Grundig # model no. of remote control: RP75 # # The remotecontrol has three level: Video 1, Video 2 and TV. With this config file # only Video 1 is recognized. # begin remote name RP75 bits 16 flags GRUNDIG eps 30 aeps 100 header 806 2972 three 1139 2278 two 583 1806 one 583 1139 zero 583 472 plead 1333 gap 57449 min_repeat 1 toggle_bit 1 begin codes cl 0x000000000000267F strange_arrows 0x000000000000277F stop 0x000000000000287F yellow 0x000000000000297F blue 0x00000000000028FF info 0x000000000000237F vpt 0x00000000000029FF up_arrow 0x00000000000023FF down_arrow 0x000000000000247F left_arrow 0x00000000000025FF right_arrow 0x000000000000257F ok 0x00000000000024FF f.fwd 0x00000000000002FF rew 0x000000000000037F play 0x000000000000017F pause 0x00000000000001FF slow 0x000000000000027F rec 0x00000000000000FF 1 0x0000000000000AFF 2 0x0000000000000B7F 3 0x0000000000000BFF 4 0x0000000000000C7F 5 0x0000000000000CFF 6 0x0000000000000D7F 7 0x0000000000000DFF 8 0x0000000000000E7F 9 0x0000000000000EFF 0 0x0000000000000A7F av/cv 0x000000000000107F sat 0x0000000000000FFF dbl.arrow 0x00000000000003FF hi-fi 0x0000000000000F7F inv_dbl.arrow 0x000000000000127F lp 0x000000000000057F power 0x000000000000007F c 0x000000000000117F man 0x0000000000001DFF date 0x00000000000011FF end codes end remote # # this config file was automatically generated # using lirc-0.6.4(serial) on Tue Sep 4 16:09:29 2001 # # contributed by Hans-Georg Friedmann # # brand: Grundig # model no. of remote control: RP 75 LCD # supported devices: 2 VCRs and a TV (Grundig) (switchable on remote) # # In TV mode this remote uses the Motorola protocol. Have a look at the # config file TP 720 for details. # begin remote name grundig_rp75 flags RAW_CODES eps 30 aeps 100 ptrail 0 repeat 0 0 gap 57449 begin raw_codes name 1 896 2893 1364 1099 637 1098 638 2160 1253 1102 638 1097 638 1093 639 1096 639 435 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 638 443 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 name 2 896 2895 1363 2187 1230 2190 1230 1103 637 1098 637 436 637 1736 637 1732 638 435 637 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 639 444 637 1735 639 name 3 896 2894 1363 1098 638 1098 637 2183 1231 1102 637 1099 637 435 638 1735 638 443 638 1735 638 444 638 1735 638 443 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 name 4 895 2895 1364 2186 1230 2191 1231 443 638 1735 638 2191 1230 1732 638 434 638 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 638 443 637 1735 639 name 5 894 2895 1363 1097 638 1098 638 2182 1231 443 638 1735 639 2190 1230 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 444 637 1735 639 443 637 1735 639 name 6 896 2895 1362 2188 1230 2191 1230 443 638 1735 638 1732 637 435 638 1732 638 435 638 443 638 1735 638 444 638 1734 638 453 629 1735 638 name 7 897 2895 1362 1099 636 1098 638 2182 1230 444 638 1736 637 1733 637 435 638 443 638 1735 639 443 637 1737 637 443 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 638 name 8 896 2894 1363 2186 1231 2191 1230 443 638 1735 638 1102 639 1098 637 1724 637 435 638 444 637 1735 638 443 636 1737 638 443 638 1735 638 name 9 895 2894 1363 1098 637 1074 662 2182 1230 445 637 1735 638 1102 638 1098 638 435 637 1736 638 443 637 1713 661 443 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 637 name 0 871 2894 1363 2188 1229 2192 1230 1102 637 1098 638 1094 637 1098 638 1723 638 435 638 443 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 name hi-fi 895 2894 1363 1098 638 1098 637 2183 1230 443 638 1735 638 443 638 1736 637 1731 638 435 638 444 638 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 443 638 1736 637 name sat 895 2895 1363 2187 1230 2191 1231 444 637 1735 638 444 637 1735 639 444 637 1735 638 444 637 1735 638 444 638 1735 637 444 637 1736 637 name rec 896 2895 1363 1097 638 1098 639 2183 1230 2191 1230 2192 1229 444 638 1735 638 444 637 1735 638 444 638 1710 662 443 638 1735 638 name power 893 2895 1363 2187 1231 2191 1230 2191 1230 2192 1230 1731 638 436 637 444 637 1735 639 443 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 639 name pause 897 2894 1364 1074 661 1099 639 2181 1231 2192 1230 1731 638 436 637 443 638 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 444 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 name play 896 2894 1364 2187 1231 2190 1230 2190 1232 1731 638 435 638 1731 638 436 637 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 name rew 896 2894 1363 1098 638 1097 638 2182 1232 2191 1230 444 637 1735 638 1731 639 434 638 444 638 1735 639 442 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 639 name f.fwd 871 2894 1363 2187 1230 2191 1230 2193 1230 1102 638 1098 638 434 638 1736 637 444 638 1734 638 444 637 1736 638 444 637 1735 638 name slow 871 2894 1363 1098 639 1097 638 2183 1230 2191 1230 1103 637 1098 637 1722 638 436 637 443 638 1735 639 443 638 1735 638 445 637 1736 638 name dbl.arrow 894 2894 1362 2187 1231 2191 1230 2193 1229 444 637 1736 637 444 638 1735 638 444 637 1735 637 444 638 1735 638 444 637 1735 638 name av/cv 894 2894 1363 1097 639 1097 638 1723 638 435 638 2192 1230 2191 1230 1732 637 435 638 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 444 637 1735 639 name lp 871 2870 1387 2188 1229 2191 1230 1732 638 435 638 1731 638 435 638 1731 638 435 638 443 638 1736 637 443 638 1736 638 443 637 1736 638 name c 871 2870 1387 1098 638 1098 638 1723 638 435 638 2192 1229 1732 638 434 639 1731 638 435 638 443 638 1735 638 443 638 1735 639 443 637 1736 638 name man 894 2894 1363 2187 1230 1731 639 435 638 443 637 1737 637 1732 637 436 637 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 443 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 name inv_dbl.arrow 893 2895 1363 1098 638 1074 661 1723 638 435 638 2191 1230 1102 638 1098 637 1726 637 436 636 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 636 444 638 1735 638 name i_inf 896 2895 1363 2188 1229 1102 638 1098 637 2183 1230 444 637 1737 638 1731 637 436 637 444 637 1736 637 445 637 1736 637 444 637 1737 663 name yellow 894 2894 1364 1097 639 1098 638 1094 637 1098 637 1095 637 1098 637 1724 638 435 637 1732 638 435 637 444 637 1735 638 444 638 1735 638 443 638 1735 638 name blue 869 2896 1362 2188 1229 1104 636 1099 636 1095 637 1098 716 2104 1229 445 636 1737 636 446 611 1761 613 469 637 1737 637 444 611 1763 611 name ok 893 2894 1362 1098 637 1099 637 1094 637 1099 637 1725 636 438 635 2192 1230 445 636 1737 636 445 636 1736 637 444 637 1736 637 445 635 1737 664 name up_arrow 868 2897 1359 2214 1203 1129 663 1073 610 2211 1229 445 611 1762 636 445 611 1762 636 446 611 1762 611 470 611 1763 635 446 610 1763 611 name down_arrow 867 2899 1384 1099 612 1125 611 1120 611 1125 610 1750 612 461 611 2218 1203 1758 611 463 610 471 611 1762 611 470 611 1762 611 470 611 1762 611 name left_arrow 868 2897 1336 2214 1204 1128 610 1125 611 1750 611 462 610 1759 611 462 611 470 611 1763 610 471 611 1762 637 445 610 1763 610 471 610 1763 610 name right_arrow 892 2897 1362 1099 636 1100 636 1095 637 1099 637 1724 637 436 637 1732 637 436 637 1732 636 437 637 445 635 1737 637 445 636 1737 611 471 635 1737 637 name cl 893 2896 1336 2214 1203 1129 636 1101 609 1751 611 462 610 1129 612 1124 610 1751 610 463 610 470 635 1738 611 470 611 1763 610 471 610 1762 611 name vpt 896 2874 1385 1098 637 1098 637 1094 638 1098 637 1094 638 1097 638 1724 637 435 638 443 637 1737 637 444 637 1735 639 444 637 1735 638 444 637 1736 638 name stop 844 2921 1336 2213 1204 1129 611 1125 634 1098 611 1124 611 2210 1203 1758 611 463 610 470 612 1762 625 456 610 1763 635 446 611 1762 611 name strange_arrows 870 2896 1362 1098 637 1113 623 1094 637 1098 638 1723 637 437 636 444 637 1736 638 1732 637 436 637 444 637 1735 638 444 637 1735 637 444 638 1736 637 name date 871 2895 1363 2186 1229 1733 637 436 637 2191 1230 1731 639 436 637 444 637 1737 636 444 637 1736 637 445 637 1735 637 444 638 1735 638 end raw_codes end remote # # brand: Grundig # model no. of remote control: RP 75 LCD !!2nd Video-Mode!! # supported devices: 2 VCRs and a TV (Grundig) (switchable on remote) # # In the Video-2-Mode, only essential keys were recognized (tested with # xrw), although they could be recorded with irrecord... # See the mark down in the file were recognition stops. # I let the definitions in the file, perhaps it works with your remote ;-) # # # mode "Video 2" begin remote name grundig_rp75_video2 flags RAW_CODES eps 30 aeps 100 ptrail 0 repeat 0 0 gap 57449 begin raw_codes name 1 891 2895 1365 2187 1229 2191 1230 1102 638 1097 638 1094 637 1099 637 436 637 1735 638 444 637 1737 637 1103 637 1098 638 435 637 1736 638 name 2 894 2895 1364 1097 638 1098 638 2182 1231 1101 639 1096 638 435 640 1734 638 1732 638 435 637 445 637 1735 638 1102 638 1097 638 436 637 1736 637 name 3 893 2895 1363 2187 1230 2194 1228 1102 638 1098 637 436 637 1736 637 444 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 638 1102 649 1087 637 436 637 1736 638 name 4 892 2872 1360 1125 611 1126 609 2210 1204 470 611 1763 611 2218 1202 1760 636 437 610 471 610 1762 611 1129 611 1125 635 438 610 1763 611 name 5 893 2895 1363 2187 1230 2192 1230 444 637 1735 638 2192 1230 445 637 1736 637 444 638 1736 637 1102 638 1098 637 436 637 1736 637 name 6 893 2895 1363 1099 637 1098 638 2183 1231 443 638 1735 638 1731 638 435 637 1732 638 435 637 444 638 1735 638 1102 638 1099 637 436 637 1736 638 name 7 916 2846 1386 1098 638 1098 637 2184 1230 444 637 1736 637 1732 637 436 637 444 637 1737 636 444 637 1737 637 1102 637 1100 636 436 637 1738 636 name 8 895 2896 1363 2187 1230 2191 1230 443 638 1735 638 1102 638 1098 637 1723 638 436 638 443 638 1736 638 1102 637 1099 637 436 637 1736 638 name 9 869 2895 1363 1098 638 1098 637 2184 1229 444 638 1735 638 1102 637 1098 638 435 638 1736 637 444 637 1738 636 1102 637 1099 637 435 638 1712 661 name 0 895 2895 1363 2187 1230 2191 1231 1102 637 1098 638 1093 638 1099 637 1723 637 436 637 443 638 1735 638 1102 639 1097 637 436 638 1735 638 name hi-fi 888 2874 1386 2188 1228 2193 1229 445 610 1763 611 470 610 1763 611 1759 610 462 611 472 609 1764 636 1103 635 1101 611 462 610 1763 611 name sat 918 2848 1385 1098 637 1100 636 2184 1228 444 637 1738 636 444 637 1737 637 444 637 1737 637 444 637 1736 637 1103 637 1098 638 436 637 1736 663 name rec 893 2894 1364 2188 1231 2190 1230 2191 1231 2190 1231 444 637 1735 639 443 638 1735 638 1103 637 1099 637 435 638 1735 638 name power 894 2894 1363 1098 637 1097 639 2182 1231 2191 1230 2193 1230 1731 638 436 637 443 638 1736 637 1103 637 1098 638 435 638 1735 638 name pause 895 2872 1386 2186 1231 2191 1230 2192 1230 1731 638 435 638 444 637 1735 639 444 637 1736 638 1101 638 1097 639 435 637 1735 639 name play 894 2895 1363 1097 636 1100 637 2183 1230 2191 1232 1731 638 434 639 1731 638 435 638 443 638 1735 639 1102 638 1097 638 435 638 1736 637 name rew 894 2895 1363 2187 1231 2191 1230 2191 1230 445 637 1735 638 1732 637 436 637 444 637 1736 637 1103 637 1098 638 435 638 1735 638 name f.fwd 891 2872 1387 1097 638 1098 638 2183 1230 2191 1230 1102 636 1099 637 436 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 1103 638 1098 637 436 637 1735 638 name slow 893 2896 1363 2185 1231 2192 1230 2192 1230 1101 638 1098 637 1724 638 435 638 444 637 1735 638 1102 638 1098 637 436 637 1736 637 # down here buttons don't get recognized by lircd anymore... # # At least not with the remote in Video 2 mode. # # If you press a button in Video 1 mode repeatedly, one time Video 1 codes, # the other time Video 2 codes are recognized. Very interesting... # Still, it doesn't work with all keys... but see yourself ;-) name dbl.arrow 893 2872 1386 1099 636 1098 638 2183 1230 2191 1231 444 637 1735 638 444 637 1737 637 444 636 1737 637 1102 638 1098 637 435 637 1737 637 name inv_dbl.arrow 176 18110 891 2896 1361 2188 1230 1731 638 437 636 2192 1229 1104 636 1099 637 1724 636 436 637 446 635 1737 636 1104 636 1100 636 436 638 1736 637 name man 894 2895 1362 1098 638 1098 637 1724 637 436 637 444 637 1737 636 1733 637 435 637 444 637 1738 636 444 637 1714 660 444 636 1737 637 444 636 1736 638 name c 869 2895 1363 2186 1230 1731 638 436 637 2191 1230 1734 636 436 637 1732 637 435 638 444 637 1735 638 443 638 1736 637 443 638 1736 637 name lp 892 2894 1363 1098 638 1098 635 2187 1227 1732 638 436 637 1731 637 437 637 1732 637 436 637 444 638 1734 638 445 636 1736 638 444 637 1736 637 name av/cv 894 2895 1363 2186 1232 1732 637 436 637 2191 1230 2191 1230 1730 639 435 637 444 637 1736 638 444 637 1818 557 443 637 1736 638 name up_arrow 869 2874 1385 1098 637 1099 637 1095 636 1099 637 2183 1230 445 636 1737 637 444 637 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 637 444 637 1739 635 name i_inf 867 2925 1334 2215 1203 1131 610 1125 636 2185 1202 471 634 1739 611 1758 610 462 635 446 611 1762 612 470 610 1763 610 473 610 1763 611 name blue 869 2896 1362 1099 637 1098 638 1094 637 1098 638 1094 637 1099 636 2183 1231 445 638 1735 637 445 636 1737 637 444 637 1736 638 444 637 1736 637 name right_arrow 892 2894 1363 2188 1230 1102 637 1098 638 1723 638 436 637 1732 638 436 637 1731 638 436 637 444 638 1735 638 443 637 1735 639 443 638 1735 638 name ok 891 2895 1362 1098 638 1098 638 1094 637 1098 639 1722 638 435 637 2192 1230 445 637 1735 638 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 637 name left_arrow 894 2894 1363 2188 1229 1103 637 1098 638 1699 662 435 638 1733 636 435 638 444 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 443 638 1736 637 444 637 1736 638 name yellow 892 2895 1363 1097 638 1098 638 1094 637 1098 638 1095 637 1098 638 1723 638 435 637 1732 637 436 638 443 638 1736 637 445 636 1736 638 443 638 1736 638 name cl 890 2898 1361 2187 1230 1102 637 1099 637 1723 637 437 636 1104 636 1098 638 1723 637 438 635 444 639 1736 637 444 638 1736 636 445 637 1736 637 name down_arrow 871 2895 1363 1098 637 1099 637 1094 638 1096 637 1725 637 435 638 2191 1230 1731 641 434 637 444 637 1736 638 444 637 1712 661 444 637 1737 637 name vpt 894 2895 1364 2187 1229 1105 635 1099 637 1094 638 1098 637 1725 636 437 653 428 637 1736 637 444 638 1735 638 444 637 1736 637 444 638 1736 637 name date 890 2896 1362 1098 638 1102 635 1722 638 436 637 2192 1229 1732 638 435 663 418 637 1736 638 444 637 1736 637 444 637 1738 637 444 637 1736 637 name strange_arrows 892 2894 1362 2189 1229 1103 637 1099 638 1724 636 436 637 444 637 1736 638 1731 638 436 636 445 637 1736 637 444 637 1737 637 445 636 1737 637 name stop 891 2897 1336 1125 637 1099 636 1095 612 1124 634 1097 636 1100 636 2184 1229 1734 611 462 610 471 634 1739 636 445 636 1737 612 469 637 1737 611 end raw_codes end remote